St. Patrick's Parish offers Faith Formation classes for all children ages 3-12th grade. Families may choose between Catechesis of the Good Shepherd classes and conventional Faith Formation classes for children in grades Kindergarten through 6th grade. St. Patrick's also provides homeschool resources for faith formation during non-sacramental preparation years.
In order for your child to participate in the 2024-2025 academic year, please fill out the registration form below. NOTE: children must attend sacramental preparation classes for two years. Contact the office if you have any questions.
If your child is 7 or older and has not been baptized, he or she will be in a class that prepares children to receive Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation at Easter Vigil; contact Beth to learn more about this class. If your child is older than 4th grade and has not made his or her First Communion yet, contact Beth to find out more about our Special Sacraments class.
Interested in Adult Faith Formation? Visit HERE to find out more!
Faith Formation class times are below:
Children's Catechumenate (for children becoming Catholic and those above age 7 who need to be baptized, as well as for older children preparing for First Communion):
Children: Sundays, 9:45 am - 11:15 am (Chapel)
Teens: Sundays, 9:45 am-11:15 am (Deacons Hall)
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Atrium):
Level 1 (Age 3 - Kindergarten): Sundays 9:45 am - 11:15 am - 1 space available Level 1 (Age 3 - Kindergarten): Fridays 9:00 am - 10:30 am - 4 spaces available
Level 2 (1st Grade - 3rd Grade): Sundays 9:45 am - 11:15 am - full, contact Beth to be placed on a waitlist. (There are spots available in conventional 1st, 2nd, & 3rd grades.)
Level 3 (4th Grade - 6th Grade): Sundays 1:00 - 2:30 pm - 2 spaces available
Conventional Youth Faith Formation:
Kindergarten: Sundays, 9:45 - 11:15 am, Theatre A (left of Hall stage)
1st grade (1st Communion Preparation): Sundays, 9:45am-11:15am, (Tara Lounge, basement of parish office)
2nd grade (1st Communion preparation): Sundays, 9:45am-11:15am (Hospitality Room in Church)
3rd and 4th grade: Sundays, 9:45am-11:15am, Theatre B (right of hall stage)
5th and 6th grade: Sundays, 9:45am-11:15am, Cenacle (upper room in hall)
Middle School Faith Formation:
7th and 8th grade, Sundays, 9:45 am-11:15 am (Deacons Hall) and select Thursday Youth Ministry nights
High School Faith Formation:
9th grade: Sundays, 9:45 am-11:15 am (Deacons Hall) and select Thursday Youth Ministry nights
10th grade; Sundays, 9:45 am-11:15 am (Deacons Hall) and select Thursday Youth Ministry nights
Post-Confirmation: TBD based on teens' schedules, kick-off meeting on September 5
Classes begin Sunday, September 8, 2024.
Fees for Faith Formation cover the cost of books, supplies for our catechists and classrooms, and any retreats. There is a maximum fee of $150/family. Please do not let inability to pay the fee stop you from participating. Several scholarships have been donated to our parish; contact the office if you need a scholarship.
Age 3-1st grade: $40/child
2nd grade (First Communion): $60/child
3rd-9th Grade: $40/child
10th Grade: $90/child
Post-Confirmation: $40/child