A child asked Pope Francis why he should go to faith formation classes. Pope Francis answered, “Go to catechism to know Jesus better! [Faith formation classes] help you … know your friend Jesus better and to know his big family, which is the Church.”
In order to help our children know Jesus and His Church, and to support the role of parents as the primary educators in the faith, St. Patrick's offers weekly faith formation classes for youth ages 3 - 12th grade. Our classes follow both archdiocesan and USCCB norms.
Since the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith, we prioritize the celebration of Mass. Faith formation classes are never offered at the same time as Mass so families can attend Mass together either before or after class. Mass is offered on Saturday evenings at 5:00 pm and on Sunday mornings at 8:30 am and 11:30 am.
Classes meet from September through April. It is our fervent hope that faith formation classes will be a means for your child to encounter Christ and deepen his or her relationship with the Lord!
However, we can only teach so much in an hour and half. Ultimately, your child learns the most from you, the primary educators and catechists. They learn to make prayer, love of God, and love of their neighbor priorities from watching you and joining you. Therefore, this year, we are asking families to attend at least 6 parish events.
Should you have any questions, please contact our Director of Catechetical Ministries, Beth Jones, at [email protected]
Visit our Registration page to register online or to download the PDF Registration form. Packets and calendars are also available on the Registration page.
At the elementary level, classes are offered through two models: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and conventional faith formation classes. Parents are a child's first and primary catechists, so please take some time to consider what works best for your family and your child.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is available for children ages 3-12. It follows the Montessori method of education and has a strong, hands-on focus on Scripture and the Liturgy.
Conventional faith formation classes are offered for grades K-6. Those classes use the Word of Life curriculum. Each lesson also includes family faith formation resources for you to use at home!
In order to prepare for their First Communion, children must be enrolled in classes for two years, typically in first and second grade. Both our conventional classes and CGS offer sacramental preparation; CGS has six additional half-hour sacramental preparation meetings for both parents and children. There are two mandatory retreats prior to first Reconciliation and First Communion.
Children who are seven or older and have not been baptized are welcome to join our OCIC classes (Order of Christian Initiation for Children). We also offer a Special Sacraments class for older children who have not yet received their first communion. Contact Beth Jones, the Director of Catechetical Ministries, for more information on either of these classes ([email protected]).
Middle School Faith Formation
Middle school classes study Church History in a highly interactive, discussion-based class. They will meet the saints, the heroes of our faith, and learn about the 2000-year history of the Catholic Church, from the time of Christ and the Apostles to today. Middle school youth ministry activities are also an important part of building our teens in the faith!
High School Faith Formation
High School classes begin with a two-year preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation, focused on Scripture, moral theology, the social teaching of the Church, and Church history. Confirmation candidates are expected to attend all classes and the retreat, as well as complete the other requirements. For more information about the sacrament of Confirmation, visit HERE.
After Confirmation, high school students gather for small group discussions on topics of their choice.
Teens who have not been baptized are welcome to join our OCIC classes (Order of Christian Initiation for Children) which meet on Sunday afternoons from 1:00-2:30. We also offer a Special Sacraments class for older children who have not yet received their first communion. Contact Beth Jones, the Director of Catechetical Ministries, for more information on either of these classes ([email protected]).